The Supreme Leader’s View of Palestine

Part one: The history of occupation

How Palestine was occupied
Reality stood on its head
The bases of occupying Palestine

Part two: Importance of Palestine

The importance of the issue of Palestine
The importance of Jerusalem
The Islamic Republic’s view of Palestine
Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the issue of Palestine

Part three: Supporting Palestine

The results of discord in the Islamic Ummah
The responsibility to support the Palestinian nation

The world of Islam and the issue of Palestine

   The world of Islam’s support for Palestine
   Islamic governments’ support for Palestine
   The Iranian nation’s support for the people of Palestine
   Using media publicity to support the people of Palestine

Part four: Solutions for the issue of Palestine

The diplomatic solution
Pressuring the Zionist regime
Using oil as a weapon
Financial support for the people of Palestine
The key to saving Palestine
Resistance is the key to the salvation of the Palestinian nation
The awakening of the Palestinian nation
Arab nationalism and the issue of Palestine

Part five: Peace and negotiation

The peace plot
The negotiation plot
The logic behind Arabs' negotiation with Israel
The reason behind the failure of the first Intifada
The outcome of the Oslo Accords
Betrayal of the Palestinian ideal
Arab governments' betrayal of Palestine

Part six: Fighting and resistance

The power of nations
The battle of the heroic people of Palestine
How to fight the Zionist regime
The role model of Palestinian militants
Jihad is the duty of the Islamic Ummah
The al-Aqsa Intifada
The driving force behind the Palestinian uprising (the al-Aqsa Intifada)
Palestine is the pivot of Islamic Awakening
Resistance: A prerequisite for liberation

Part seven: The fate of Palestine

Survival of Palestine and annihilation of Israel
The definite future
The victory of blood over the sword

The Supreme Leader’s View of Palestine

Part one: The history of occupation

How Palestine was occupied

Through a historical process consisting of tens of initiatives by the enemy, Palestine became a Zionist property. A number of globally influential Jews started to think of establishing an independent state for Jews. Of course they initially thought of going to Uganda and establishing their nation there. For some time, they also thought of going to Tripoli, the capital city of Libya. Then they talked to Italians who were then ruling Tripoli. But Italians rejected their request. Finally they made a deal with the English. The English had very important colonialist ambitions for the Middle East at that time. They realized that the settlement of the Jews in the Middle East was in their best interest. The English only wanted to solve their own problems. The occupation of Palestinian lands was based on a multilateral, complex plan, which had been designed to prevent Muslim unity and the reestablishment of powerful Muslim governments. There is some evidence that shows the Zionists had close relations with the Nazis, and the exaggerated figures about the number of Jews massacred was itself used as a tool to attract global sympathy and prepare the ground for occupying Palestine and justifying the crimes committed by the Zionists. There is even some evidence to suggest that some non-Jewish thugs from east Europe were sent to Palestine as Jews in order to establish an anti-Islamic government at the heart of the world of Islam, using the support for surviving victims of racism as a cover. They wanted to create a chasm between the western and eastern part of the Muslim world. In the beginning, Muslims were taken by surprise because they were not aware of the nature of the Zionists’ and their western supporters’ plan. The Ottoman Empire was defeated. The victors of the World War signed the Sykes-Picot Agreement in secret to carve up the Muslim countries of the Middle East region between themselves. The international community gave Palestine’s custody to the English, who promised to help the Zionists. The English brought Jews to Palestine with a set of well-thought-out plans and displaced Muslims from their homes.

The plan was to send the Jews [to the Middle East] as a minority group in the beginning, and let them gradually seize control of some strategic regions and establish a government. The Jews were going to be among the allies of England and prevent the world of Islam, especially the Arab states, from forming an alliance. An enemy that receives that amount of support from outside can foment discord through espionage activities as well as various other means. That was exactly what they did. They formed an alliance with certain states and aggressively attacked certain others. Therefore, first and foremost, they benefited from the support of England and some western countries. Afterwards, they gradually drifted away from England and formed an alliance with America, which has taken the Zionists under its wings to this day. That was how they occupied Palestine and “established a country”. They did not start their occupation of Palestine through war. They started with deception. They bought large stretches of fertile Palestinian farmland from landlords who were living in Europe and America. They paid the landlords several times more than the real price of their lands, and the landlords happily sold their lands to the Jews. Of course there were some middlemen as well. It is said that Seyyed Zia'eddin Tabatabaee, Reza Khan’s accomplice in staging the coup in 1299, was one of those middlemen. Seyyed Zia’eddin traveled to Palestine and worked there as a middleman, selling Muslim lands to the Jews and Israelis. Once the Jews bought the lands, they ruthlessly started driving the farmers out of the lands. They used to beat and kill the farmers. At the same time, they used to attract global sympathy through deception and lies.


Reality stood on its head

In publicity campaigns throughout the world, many efforts have been made to portray the Jews who occupied Palestine as oppressed people whose rights had been trampled upon. On the other hand, the Arabs who have been trying to reclaim their homes are presented as bullying and violent people who are not committed to any ethical standards.

When the Zionists and Russian Jews decided to immigrate to Palestine, they did not tell the world in their media that they were usurpers. They did not tell the world that the immigrants were not from Palestine. They did not tell the world that the immigrants were from Russia, Ukraine, Europe, and America. They did not say that the immigrants were going to Palestine to violate Palestinians’ rights, occupy their homes, usurp their wealth and homeland, and deprive them of the opportunity to start a family. They never said any of these things. Additionally, Zionist and American agents were showing pictures of some worn out Jewish women and children to make the people of the world wonder why the Arabs were treating the poor Jewish people like that!


The bases of occupying Palestine

The illegitimate domination of the Zionists over Palestine was based on three foundations. Being cruel to Arabs was the first foundation. They treated the real owners of Palestinian lands violently and ruthlessly. They did not show any signs of leniency in this regard.

Manipulating public opinion was the second foundation. Both before and after occupying Palestine, they told so many lies through Zionist media that some Zionist capitalists were arrested for spreading lies! There were, of course, some people who believed their lies. They even managed to deceive the French social philosopher and author Jean-Paul Sartre. He wrote in his book “A land without a people for a people without a land”. I read this book 30 years ago. The author suggested that Jews were a people who did not have a land, and who decided to immigrate to Palestine, a land without a people. The phrase “the land without a people” was meaningless. There was a nation that was working on Palestinian lands. There is a lot of evidence in this regard. According to a foreign author, the green farms of wheat across Palestine stretched to the horizon like a sea, as far as the eye could see. They pretended that Palestine was a derelict and poor land and that they were the people who made it thrive. That was a lie to manipulate public opinion. They always tried to play the part of the oppressed people. In American magazines like Time and Newsweek, if something bad happens to a Jewish family, they show pictures of the person killed, present every detail of his life, and exaggerate the sufferings of his children. However, hundreds and thousands of cruel crimes are being committed against Palestinian youth, families, children, and women inside the occupied Palestinian lands and in Lebanon, but they do not even mention these things.

The third foundation was to collude with others or what they call “lobbying”. They negotiate and collude with different governments, individuals, politicians, intellectuals, authors, and poets. Their work has so far been based on these three foundations, and they have managed to occupy Palestine relying on these machinations. Moreover, foreign powers, especially England, assisted them in the process. Except in a few rare cases, they always enjoyed the support of the League of Nations – which was formed to “promote peace” – and subsequently the United Nations. In the year 1948, the United Nations issued a resolution and arbitrarily divided Palestine. They said 57 percent of the Palestinian lands belong to the Jews, while they owned only about 50 percent of the Palestinian lands before the resolution. They formed a government, and then the following issues, including attacks on Palestinian villages, towns, homes, and innocent civilians, took place. Of course Arab governments were also lax in reacting to these issues. Several wars took place. In 1967, Israelis managed to occupy some parts of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan with the help of America and some other governments. Later on, in the war that they started in 1973, they once again managed win the war with the help of those global powers and occupied other territories.


Part two: Importance of Palestine

The importance of the issue of Palestine

Undoubtedly, in Muslim life and across the world of Islam, nothing is as important and serious as the issue of Palestine. Over the years, they have gradually made Muslims accustomed to the occupation of their homes. It is not just a matter of Muslim homes being occupied. The problem is much more serious than that. The problem is that the enemies of Islam throughout the world are using a Muslim territory to attack the ranks of Muslims and thwart their wishes and activities. They are using this territory as a shield.

Regarding the issue of Palestine, the goal is to liberate it – that is, wiping out the Israeli government. There is no difference between territories occupied before or after the year 1967. Every inch of Palestinian lands is part of Muslims’ homeland. Any non-Muslim and non-Palestinian rule over Palestine is illegitimate. As Imam Khomeini said, “Israel must disappear.” If Palestinian Jews accept Islamic rule, they may live in Palestine. It is not a matter of anti-Semitism. The problem is that a Muslim homeland has been occupied. If the heads of Muslim countries were not under the influence of global powers, they could achieve this. Unfortunately, they failed to do so.


The importance of Jerusalem

In addition to the issue of Palestine, the issue of Jerusalem/al-Quds is of paramount importance. Today various plots are being hatched by the Zionists to occupy this holy city and destroy its Islamic features. But this city belongs to all Muslims, and Jerusalem/al-Quds is the capital city of Palestine. Muslims will foil the enemies’ evil plots. Muslims will confront their plots.


The Islamic Republic’s view of Palestine

From an Islamic perspective, the issue of Palestine is a crucial issue for all Muslims. All Shia and Sunni scholars have explicitly stated that if a part of Muslim territories is occupied by the enemies of Islam, it will be every Muslim’s duty to fight in order to restore the lost piece of land. Everybody should somehow take on part of this responsibility in the case of Palestine. First, everyone is considered responsible from an Islamic point of view. The occupied Palestinian lands are part of the Islamic territory. These lands have been occupied by the enemies of Islam, and they have to be restored. Second, there are eight million Muslims who have either been displaced or are living inside Palestine in worse conditions than those of the homeless. They are not free to walk in the streets or express what they think. They are not allowed to have representatives in the management of their own country. On many occasions, they are even stopped when they want to pray. They jeopardized Muslims’ kiblah, Masjid ul-Aqsa. Years ago they even set it on fire. Then they started their “excavations” and did illegitimate things there. And they are planning to divest Masjid ul-Aqsa of its Islamic features.

From a humanitarian perspective, the oppression suffered by Palestinian families and how they are being treated would make all human beings feel responsible. It is surprising that human rights organizations are so indifferent. America and some other western countries as well as those who claim to be responsible for promoting democracy in the world have disgraced themselves in the case of Palestine. That is because there is a nation now that does not have any role in the management of its homeland. This nation can never make its voice heard. Palestinians are an oppressed nation from a humanitarian point of view. They are faced with a highly oppressive and racist government. And this is a big lie told by America, international organizations, and western intellectuals in their claims of promoting democracy.

From a security perspective, Israel is a threat to the security of its own people as well as the entire region. That is because they have nuclear arsenal, and they are proliferating atomic weapons. The United Nation has warned them several times, but they have ignored their warnings. Of course their disregard for UN warnings is mainly because of America’s support. That is to say, the American regime is responsible for a large portion of the Zionists’ crimes. During the decades that they have been ruling Palestine, more than 30 resolutions have been passed by the UN Security Council against Israel, but America has vetoed all of these resolutions.

From an economic perspective, Israel is a threat to the region. The Zionists who are ruling Palestine have proposed a thesis called “the new Middle East”. What does it mean? It means that a new Middle East should be formed around the axis of Israel and that Israel should gradually gain economic domination over Arab countries and other nations in the region as well as the oil-rich areas in the Middle East. That is the goal of the Zionists. Some of these governments are not vigilant. When these governments face criticisms, they say they did not form any relations with Israel and that they only let Israeli businessmen into their country. That is exactly what the Zionists want. They want Israel – backed by America and the dangerous Zionist arsenals – to take advantage of the unawareness and weakness of some governments. They want Israelis to enter those countries and take control of their economic centers and financial resources. That is a big threat to the region. That is greater than any other threat. God will never let that happen. Muslim nations will never let such a thing happen. But their plan is to take control of all centers of power in different countries by relying on economic means. Therefore, from Islamic, humanitarian, economic, security, and political perspectives, the existence of Israel is a great threat to the countries of the region.


Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the issue of Palestine

From the beginning of the Islamic movement in the country in 1341, when the issue of Palestine was not commonly discussed even by intellectuals, Imam Khomeini always emphasized that everyone should be alarmed by the Israeli domination and that everyone should stand up to them. He continued this path later on, and the issue of Palestine became one the main slogans shouted by that divine person. The movement started by Imam Khomeini (r.a.) revived the issue of Palestine and provided it with the support of Islamic faith which has always been accompanied by selfless jihad. Imam Khomeini never gave up his support for the oppressed people across the world because of any considerations for the global bullies. He continued to describe the issue of Palestine as the main issue. In his speeches and testament, Imam Khomeini explicitly expressed the importance he placed on Muslims’ cries for help. He unambiguously defended the rights of the oppressed, the Palestinian nation, and all other oppressed nations. That was the Imam’s path stressed in his lifestyle and testament.

A Palestinian youth told me that those who are imprisoned in the occupied Palestinian lands compose poems inspired by the magnanimous father of the Islamic Revolution. The memory of the Imam, the Revolution, and the selfless efforts of the Iranian nation are to be found even inside those cells.


Part three: Supporting Palestine

The results of discord in the Islamic Ummah

If Muslims were united today, and if they relied on the spirituality of Islam, the enemy could not openly persecute and torture the Palestinian nation in its own homeland. The events of Palestine deeply sadden and agitate all moral human beings, even those who are not very religious.


The responsibility to support the Palestinian nation

Supporting the oppressed Palestinian people and their valiant uprising is the religious duty of all of us. Today a Muslim country, which is covered in blood, is calling on the Islamic Ummah to support it from the middle of the battlefield. I will never forget the Palestinian woman who was crying for help from Muslims in front of reporters’ cameras.

All Muslims and Arabs must voice their support for the legitimacy of the Palestinian people’s battle. In international gatherings, it must be stressed that the defenseless people of Palestine whose rights have been violated are entitled to fight for their lost rights. Therefore, continuation of Intifada and resistance is the absolute right of the Palestinian people, and international laws must respect this right. Unfortunately, these laws are usually interpreted in favor of the arrogant global powers’ wishes.

Muslims can no longer stand the relentless suppression of the Palestinian nation. They can no longer stay silent. Israel must understand that if it continues suppressing the Palestinian nation, they will be faced with strong, serious, and practical reaction of all Arabs and Muslims.


The world of Islam and the issue of Palestine

The world of Islam’s support for Palestine

The issue of Palestine is the most important international issue of Islam. For many years, they have gradually made Muslims used to the occupation of their homes. It is not just a matter of Muslim homes being occupied. It is much more serious. The problem is that the global enemies of Islam have occupied a portion of Muslims’ homeland and are using it to attack the ranks of Muslims. They are using these lands to thwart their wishes and movements.

It is a matter of a nation that is forced to suffer from oppression, hardships, and displacement. It is a matter of a country being occupied. It is a matter of establishing a malignant tumor at the heart of Islamic countries, the point where the western and eastern parts of the world of Islam are connected. It is a matter of relentless oppression imposed on two consecutive generations of the Palestinian people. Now that the bloody Islamic uprising – which is currently led by the people of Palestine – has sounded the alarm for the ruthless and inhuman occupiers, the enemies’ methods are becoming more complicated and dangerous than ever before. And Muslims across the world must take this issue more seriously now and do something about it.

Basically, the idea of establishing a Jewish government – or, more appropriately, a Zionist government – in this part of the world of Islam was proposed with long-term arrogant objective in mind. The idea of establishing such a government in this strategic region, which can be called the heart of the world of Islam, was proposed with the intention of continuing the domination of the then colonialists, headed by England, over the world of Islam in the long term. That is to say, this region connects Africa as the western part of the Muslim world to the Middle East as the eastern part of the Muslim world. This region is the meeting point of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The appropriate way to fight the usurping regime is what the Palestinians are doing today with unswerving commitment. And it is the duty of all Muslims to support them in their holy battle. Today no excuses are acceptable from Muslim governments. No excuses can justify their indifference to the issue of Palestine. The usurping regime is treating Palestinians with extreme brutality and has proven that it is prepared to commit any crime in order to achieve its dangerous expansionist goals. The Islamic uprising of the people of Palestine has ended all doubts, and it shows that the sapling of resistance is not withered yet despite the enemies’ great pressure and the treachery of the so-called allies. Actually, this sapling has grown firmer and produced more fruits. Therefore, it is religiously obligatory that all nations and governments sincerely consider the issue of Palestine as the top priority and they should contribute as much as they can.

There is no disagreement among any of the major Islamic denominations and Islamic jurisprudents that if a single part of Muslim territories is conquered and ruled by the enemies of Islam, all Muslims must consider it their duty to make selfless efforts to restore that territory.

The Palestinian people – who have attracted the world of Islam’s attention today – must know that the Islamic Ummah admire them and pray for them. And if there was a way to help them, the Islamic Ummah would undoubtedly support them, no matter if Islamic governments were willing or reluctant to do so. The Islamic Ummah will not give up on Palestine. The Islamic Ummah will not ignore the Palestinian youth and people.


Islamic governments’ support for Palestine

Islamic governments are expected to provide the necessary means for the Palestine nation to defend itself. They are also expected to politically pressure those who support the Zionists’ interests throughout the world. They can do these things through their bilateral relations, international gatherings, public speeches, and political meetings.


The Iranian nation’s support for the people of Palestine

The Iranian nation has constantly supported, and will support, all oppressed nations and the nations that are under the yoke of arrogant powers. The Iranian nation will always stand by the valiant and faithful people of Palestine. The Iranian people will continue opposing the criminal Zionist regime, and their advice for their Palestinian brothers is that they should continue treading the divine path – that is, fighting the usurping enemy and its supporter – by relying on Allah until annihilation of the usurping Zionist regime. The great Iranian nation and the faithful and selfless basijis of Iran consider defending Palestine as their duty, and they believe no achievement is beyond their reach as long as they tread the path of Allah.


Using media publicity to support the people of Palestine

After World War II, Jews living throughout the world made hundreds and maybe thousands of movies in order to portray themselves as oppressed. They produced those movies in order to show that they were oppressed and in order to picture their opponents as – reasonably or exaggeratedly – oppressive. The oppression that has been imposed on the people of Palestine has never been imposed on another nation before. However, people throughout the world are unfortunately kept unaware of this oppression. This must be expressed in an appropriate way. Films must be made in this regard, and artistic works have to be produced in order to tell the world what is happening in Palestine.


Part four: Solutions for the issue of Palestine

The diplomatic solution

Two solutions have been put forth for the complicated issue of Palestine: There is the right solution and the wrong solution. The wrong solution is to negotiate and reach an agreement with a usurper that is neither committed to human values, nor to international regulations, nor to UN resolutions. This solution is wrong, irrespective of its various forms. Israel has proven that it is not committed to any of its agreements. Even if they do sign an agreement, they will violate the agreement. It is not a good idea to feed this aggressor and make it strong enough to take the next step. That is not a solution. That is what Palestine has experienced for sixty years. Several resolutions were passed by the United Nations. Although even America – the patron of the Zionists – signed those resolutions in a political gesture, the usurping Zionist regime did not practice the resolutions.

The logical solution is the one that must be accepted by all morally fair individuals across the world and all those who believe in the conventions of the modern world. The logical solution is to hold a referendum among the people of Palestine, including all those who have been displaced from Palestine and who, of course, are willing to return to their homeland. That is a logical solution. Those who have been displaced in Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, and other Arab countries should return to Palestine. And a referendum should be held among all those who used to live in Palestine before the year 1948 – that is, the year the fake Israeli government was established – including Muslims, Christians, and Jews. These people should be allowed to determine the government of Palestine in a referendum. That is democracy. Why is democracy good for all people of the world, but not for the people of Palestine? Why is it that all people of the world have the right to determine their destiny, but not the people of Palestine? No one has the slightest doubt that the regime currently ruling Palestine has come to power through coercion, deception, machinations, and pressurizing. No one has any doubts about that. The Zionists did not come to power through peaceful methods. They came to power partially through deception and machinations and partially through military coercion. Therefore, this regime was imposed on Palestine. The people of Palestine should come together and hold an election to choose their government. Once that government is established it can decide the fate of those who settled in Palestine after 1948. If that elected government decides that the new comers should stay, they can stay in Palestine. And if the elected government decides that the new comers should leave, they should leave Palestine. That solution would show respect for public vote, democracy, and human rights, and it would also be consistent with the current logic of the world.


Pressuring the Zionist regime

A usurer would never accept a logical solution unless it is forced to. That is where all the people somehow involved in the issue should consider themselves responsible. Arab governments, Islamic governments, international communities, and Islamic nations throughout the world, especially the Palestinian nation, should consider themselves responsible. They all have a duty to persistently follow up this logical solution and put it into practice. No one should say that such a solution is just an impractical dream. No, it is practical. The Baltic States became independent after they were part of the U.S.S.R. for more than forty years. About a hundred years before the formation of the Soviet Union, the counties of the Caucasus region were under the rule of Russian tsars. But they became independent. Today Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and some other countries of that region are independent. So the solution is practical, but it requires courage and determination. Nations are courageous, fearless, and prepared. It is the governments, especially Arab governments, that have to fulfill their duty. Today Arab governments can take action and drum up support from their nations and increase their popularity in the issue of Palestine. If a government is supported by its people, then America cannot do anything to harm it. Such a government will not fear America, and it will not need to be considerate towards America.


Using oil as a weapon

As oil exporters, one of the most important things that Arab governments can do is to use oil more appropriately. What westerners are saying against using oil as a weapon is not true. Oil belongs to nations, and they should use it to further their interests. Americans also used wheat and foodstuff as a weapon in the past, and they are still doing so in many parts of the world. Why should Islamic and Arab countries be deprived of this right? As a symbolic act and as a sign of support for the Palestinian nation, they should stop exporting oil to all the countries that have good relations with Israel. Today the world is getting its energy, electricity, heat, and the driving force for its factories from Islamic countries. These are the essential elements of their life. If they do not get oil, their factories, lights, and heating systems will stop functioning.


Financial support for the people of Palestine

Financial support for the people of Palestine is not limited to governments. Today the people of Palestine are in need of food and medicine. Palestinian people are not beggars. They are honorable people who are dominated by the enemy. All people have a duty to help them. Just imagine what will happen if each member of the Islamic Ummah – in Iran and other places – donates only one thousand tomans [about one dollar] to the people of Palestine. One thousand billion tomans will be raised. This amount of money can make a great difference for the people of Palestine. Muslim countries must provide Palestinians with foodstuff, medicine, and whatever they need for continuing their resistance.


The key to saving Palestine

What has been imposed on the Palestinian nation by the usurping Zionist regime during the recent decades is enough to prove that it is futile to try to save the people of Palestine with the help of the domineering powers of the world and their allies in the region.

The great Islamic Revolution in Iran showed that it is the nations that hold the key to solving big problems. It showed that individuals’ determination will overcome the wishes and plots of domineering powers, providing that they rely on God and trust His words. After what has happened in different parts of the world, today the important role of nations has been proven more than ever before. It is only the determination of the Palestinian people that can stand up to the ferocious Zionist regime and force it to retreat and accept defeat through their valorous resistance. The Palestinian nation should not, and cannot, seek its freedom and indisputable rights in summits held by the heads of Arab states. Such summits are at best useless, if not detrimental, to the oppressed Palestinians.


Resistance is the key to the salvation of the Palestinian nation

It is not possible to save Palestine through begging the United Nations and the domineering powers, or the Zionist regime for that matter. The only way to save Palestine is to resist. The only way is Palestinian unity and monotheism, which is the inexhaustible driving force behind all jihads.

The foundations of this resistance rest on Palestinian jihad groups and all faithful and steadfast Palestinians living inside and outside Palestine as well as on Muslim nations and governments throughout the world, especially religious scholars, intellectuals, political figures, and academics. If these two strong foundations are in place, fair people and aware minds – which have not been contaminated by the magic of the propaganda empire of the arrogant powers and the Zionists –will rush to the aid of the oppressed, and the arrogant camp will be confronted with a flood of thoughts, emotions, and actions.

The resistance and patience of the people of Palestine and full support of Islamic countries for them will make it possible to break the satanic spell of occupation over Palestine. The great power of the Islamic Ummah can solve the problems of the world of Islam, especially the urgent and acute Palestinian issue.


The awakening of the Palestinian nation

Fortunately, the Islamic Awakening of the Palestinian nation has provided it with bright prospects. Today the young generation of the Palestinian people relies on Islamic faith and is fighting in the name of God. The battle is very promising, and it is obvious that the enemies – including the Zionist rulers, America and other supporters of Israel as well as the regional traitors – are confused and terrified by this new movement. They have resorted to everything in order to undermine this movement and conceal its direction. But religious faith will save the Palestinian nation. Islam will liberate Palestine from the clutches of the aggressors.

The new generation of the Palestinian people has realized that it must stand up and fight if it wants to end the humiliation and pressure imposed on it. Sitting at a negotiation table will not help because those who opted for negotiation did not get anything out of it.


Arab nationalism and the issue of Palestine

It is sometimes said that Palestine is an Arab issue. What is the meaning of that? The comment is good as long as it means the Arabs enjoy stronger familial obligations and are more willing to make selfless efforts and help the people of Palestine. But no Muslim and no fair Arab can accept or not disparage the comment if it means that the heads of some Arab countries should totally ignore the Palestinian nation's cries for help, that they should cooperate with the usurping and oppressive enemy in important events like the Gaza tragedy, and that they should shout angrily at those who feel duty bound to help the people of Gaza.


 Part five: Peace and negotiation

The peace plot

Today the Zionists and their supporters – headed by the American government – are plotting to take advantage of the appealing word "peace". Of course a peace treaty is very good, but where and with whom? Imagine that someone forces his way into your house, beats you up, insults your wife and children, and occupies almost all of your rooms. Further imagine that this person protests why you are constantly complaining to different people about the problem and causing confrontation. Then he suggests that you should make peace with him! What kind of peace is that? Military invasion is part of the Zionist regime's nature. Basically, the Zionist regime is founded on coercion, violence, and cruelty. It could not, and will not, make any progress without cruelty and coercion, and yet they say Palestinians should make peace with this regime. No one would fight them if they were not greedy – that is, if they gave back Palestine to its real owners and went away, or if they asked the Palestinian government to let some of them or all of them stay in Palestine. The war was started when they forced their way into the Palestinians' homeland. They have forced Palestinians out of their homeland and are currently treating them oppressively. They have also started spreading their oppression to other countries in the region. They are a threat to all nations now. Therefore, they want to make peace and use it as a stepping-stone towards further oppression. If they make peace, they will use it as prelude to another kind of aggression later on.


The negotiation plot

The negotiation plan or the so-called peace process is one of the suggestions that is being discussed by Israelis and a group of Palestinians. This suggestion – that is, the negotiation plan and the establishment of the so-called Palestinian National Authority – was put forth in order to make the issue of Palestine sink into oblivion and prevent engagement of Muslims in the Palestinian issue. This was one of the worst plots hatched by Israelis, and some Muslims and Palestinians unfortunately fell into that trap. That is because even if Israelis practice all the agreements they made in one of their negotiations, in the most optimistic conditions Palestinians will only get slightly over four percent of the occupied Palestinian lands. That is to say, only four percent of Palestinian lands, which belong entirely to the Palestinian nation, will be given back to Palestinians. Even that four percent will not be in one piece, only some separate pieces of land. Moreover, the Palestinians who were told to establish a government in Palestine were by no means allowed to act like a real government. Israelis asked those Palestinians to establish a government there in order to make sure the Palestinian residents would not do anything against the Israeli government. That is to say, they only gave them partial control of a small, isolated, and unwieldy area, a so-called country! In return, they were required to take some measures against the Palestinians together with the security organizations of Israel. The treachery by this group of Palestinians was worse than all the treachery committed against Palestine. They did not, and cannot, do anything for the Palestinian people.


The logic behind Arabs' negotiation with Israel

Arab governments used say "we are not more Palestinian than Palestinians themselves, and only whatever Palestinians want has to be done". Apart from the political, economic, and security aspects, the Palestinian issue is an Islamic obligation. Most importantly, the issue of Palestine is a divine issue. But if someone does not even believe in God and wants to do something only for the sake of the Palestinian people, he or she must first see what Palestinians want. The Palestinian people are those who are being held in the usurping regime's prisons and many more who continue shouting slogans in Masjid al-Aqsa and in the streets and marketplaces across the occupied Palestinian lands. A small number of them who were bought off and who negotiated with the Zionists are not representative of all Palestinian people, so we cannot just say "we are not more Palestinian than Palestinians themselves".


The reason behind the failure of the first Intifada

During the first Intifada, the negotiation atmosphere was becoming prevalent in the region. Some people had pinned their hopes on America and some others believed that it was not possible to resist against the political pressure and international propaganda of the time and that there was no way except negotiations, the conditions of which were set by America and Israel. The developments that happened in the region at that time further strengthened this assumption.

At that time [during the first Intifada], two ways of dealing with Israel was proposed: Military confrontation of Arab armies with Israel and negotiations. Regarding the military option, it was said that all previous trials had resulted in failure. The second option would help Israel achieve its goals through peaceful means. Through negotiations, Israel could put a stop to the growth of Arab nations' military power in exchange for withdrawing its troops from parts of the occupied Palestinian lands. The Camp David Accords were a case in point. At that time, resistance was not considered an option, and it was said that resistance did not enjoy public approval.


The outcome of the Oslo Accords

During their first Intifada, Palestinian people suffered a lot of losses, and many of them were martyred for the sake of Islam and liberating Palestine. But the Oslo Accords put an end to their resistance. Today even the Palestinians who planned and supported the Oslo Accords no longer support the agreement because they saw that Israel only wanted to solve its own problem through the Oslo Accords. That is to say, Israel wanted to avoid confrontation with the rock wielding Palestinians and reduce its vulnerability. Israel made a few so-called "concessions" just to stamp out the flames of the Intifada and decrease its vulnerability. The moment Israel realized it had solved its problem and wrongly felt that the Palestinian people were not capable of resuming the Intifada and resistance, it put an end to the concessions and revealed its greedy nature. The process of making peace and the Oslo Accords made the people of Palestine realize that there was no way except an uprising.


Betrayal of the Palestinian ideal

They are trying to make the phrase "Palestinian nation" sink into oblivion and make it appear that there was no such thing as Palestine and no nation that owned it. That was how they prepared the ground. Much to our chagrin and astonishment, we can see that there are some people who passively accept this and that there are some people in the world who accept this case of oppression. They just allowed a group of so-called Palestinians to establish a puppet government to rule four percent of Palestinian lands. They just established a puppet government and asked them to completely forget the issue of Palestine and the Palestinian nation in return. They expect their puppet government and those who made that unfair deal to suppress the Palestinians who talk about Palestine and its history. That is what is happening today.


Arab governments' betrayal of Palestine

The Zionists and their supporters – headed by America – took the initiative in shouting the slogans of making peace in order to consolidate their oppressive occupation of Palestine, and they have constantly forced their rivals to follow suite as much as possible. In the past, some Muslim governments have even stabbed the countries on the front line in the back. The silence of most Arab rulers, which was in some cases accompanied by open treachery, and the disgraceful and treacherous positions adopted by the "leaders of Palestine" are the links in the chain of oppression, transgression, and treachery that is being used to shackle the oppressed people of Palestine.

The treacherous deals and silence of Arab governments – and even pretended indifference of some Arab governments to the fate of Palestine – have made it possible for the occupying Zionist regime to openly mention the idea of "the great Israel" after years of silence and even denial. It is now shamelessly repeating its evil intentions of occupying new parts of Islamic lands.


 Part six: Fighting and resistance

The power of nations

The arrogant powers do not know that there is a force that is far more effective than their weapons – that is, the power of people. Any nation that believes in a particular set of intellectual principles and adheres to them in a determined fashion cannot be brought down by any material force. These arrogant powers tend to underestimate the power of people and the power of Allah the Exalted which is behind the determination and acts of nations. "All do We aid." [The Holy Quran 17: 20] Allah the Exalted will help any group of human beings who work hard to further the goals they believe in. If a group of people believe in God, then it will be far more difficult to challenge them.


The battle of the heroic people of Palestine

The battle started by the people of Palestine is not a battle between one army and another, so it is not possible to estimate their power by, for instance, counting the number of their tanks. Rather, it is battle fought by hearts and souls that are not afraid of death. Each selfless Palestinian youth who stands up to the occupying Zionists threatens them like an army. It is not possible to confront such people with tanks, missiles, warplanes, and military helicopters. A single man, who does not fear death and is prepared to lay down his life for the sake of God and his obligations, can be the greatest threat to unfair materialists.

Palestinians’ enthusiasm for martyrdom is not based on emotions. Rather it is based on faith in Islam, Judgment Day, and life after death. The arrogant powers will always face this threat wherever there is genuine Islam. The arrogant powers have to fight Islam in order to dominate Palestine. Fighting Islam is the same as fighting the world of Islam, and this battle will get them nowhere.

The fact of the situation is that they have displaced a nation from its homeland, and this displaced nation is entitled to reclaim its homeland. This battle is a struggle for their rights. America calls this struggle “terrorism”, but it does not think that the Zionist brutality against Palestinians is terrorism!

Today the Palestinian nation is an oppressed but highly courageous nation, and it is fair to call Palestinians heroes. Palestinian people are resisting single-handedly and fighting with their bare hands. And they have made the materialistic powers of the world – which have all the means of suppression and massacre – helpless.


How to fight the Zionist regime

The usurping Zionist regime must be dealt with mainly through:

A) Imprisoning it inside the borders of the occupied Palestinian lands, exerting political and economic pressure on it, and isolating it

B) Ensuring the Palestinian nation’s resistance inside their country and providing them with what they need until they achieve final victory.


The role model of Palestinian militants

Palestine was occupied more than 50 years ago. Palestine had a young generation fifty years ago. Who is the role model of these Palestinian youth who have stepped into the arena? Who did they learn from? Their role models are the young faithful Lebanese youth. In the demonstrations that they stage in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – which is an area populated by Palestinians – Palestinian youth hold up photos of the Lebanese leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. They raised the flag of Lebanon over the dome of Masjid al-Aqsa. Of course the Zionists did not let the flag remain there. The Lebanese youth became the role models of the Palestinian youth. Most of the people who watch Hezbollah's al-Manar are inside the occupied Palestinian lands. They do not just watch the programs broadcast on al-Manar – they are thirsty for the programs.


Jihad is the duty of the Islamic Ummah

All Islamic jurisprudents unanimously agree that when the enemy gains control over a Muslim land and threatens the existence of Islam in a country, it is the duty of all Muslims to fight the enemy in a concerted jihad, force it out, and punish it. If the Islamic Ummah is awakened to the reality, it will realize that this is the greatest tragedy that has happened to Muslims in the recent past. The Islamic ruling regarding this issue is unambiguous. Not even one single Muslim is doubtful about the Islamic ruling regarding the issue of Palestine. The issue has been mentioned in all fiqh books – which talk about the issue of jihad. No Islamic jurisprudent has ever expressed doubts about the necessity of jihad when infidels occupy or besiege Muslim lands. All Islamic denominations are unanimous in this regard. Jihad is not normally obligatory for all Muslims, but not in this particular case. Defensive jihad, which is the most important instance of jihad, is obligatory for all Muslims.


The al-Aqsa Intifada

The first Intifada was stopped because of the Zionists' and their supporters' inducements, the influence of the proponents of diplomatic negotiations, and the pressure exerted by America and the west. They encouraged Palestinians to believe that they would achieve privileges through peaceful means. But the passage of time showed in ten years that all the efforts made by the supporters of the Zionists in the world were aimed at saving the Israeli regime from the pressure of Muslim resistance, and that what their promises to the Palestinian negotiators were just a mirage.

The al-Aqsa Intifada marked a new beginning for great developments in the resistance of the Palestinian people. Palestinian resistance has gone through many highs and lows, plots, and challenges. Different weapons have been used against it. The resisting Palestinian people have suffered from the deafening sound of the enemy's warplanes and artilleries, and they have realized today that continual jihad and resistance is the only way to liberate Palestine from the clutches of the Zionist criminals and their supporters. Global public opinion is also in favor of this attitude.

The Zionists had based their power equations on humiliating the Palestinian nation, but the Palestinians stood up to these equations, the disgraceful agreements with the Zionist regime, the domineering American regime, and the defeated negotiators. They chose to tread the path of dignity and glory. As a result, the Zionists faced internal crisis and Palestinian resistance.

Al-Quds is the core of the al-Aqsa Intifada. That is to say, the Zionists' disrespect of Masjid al-Aqsa triggered the explosion of the Palestinian people's rage. The people of Palestine stepped into the arena in order to fulfill their duty of defending one of the most sacred places for Muslims. Through their selfless efforts, they kindled the holy fire of resistance against the occupying Zionists.

The peace process – and the Oslo Accords in particular – caused discord among Palestinians. But this auspicious Intifada could restore national unity to Palestine. People from all walks of life have taken part in this battle, and the Islamic and nationalistic movements are working together harmoniously.


The driving force behind the Palestinian uprising (the al-Aqsa Intifada)

The Palestinian uprising was not caused by the Islamic Republic or the people of Lebanon. It was sparked off by the people of Palestine. The Palestinian uprising was caused by the sorrows and sufferings bottled up by the Palestinian youth who have enthusiastically entered the arena today. The Iranian people admire them and feel an affinity with them. Palestine is part of the body of Islam, and the Iranian people feel that the Palestinian youth are their brothers. But it is the Palestinians who are continuing the Intifada.


Palestine is the pivot of Islamic Awakening

After the Islamic Revolution in Iran and Imam Khomeini’s (r.a.) movement, the wave of Islamic Awakening spread vigorously to other parts of the region and the world in two decades. Today the issue of Palestine is the pivot of this movement. The al-Aqsa Intifada managed to go beyond the borders of Palestine and engage all Muslim and Arab nations. Massive demonstrations of Muslim nations throughout the world of Islam showed that the people of Palestine could count on their support and that Palestinians can play an important role in creating unity among Muslims.

The day Islamic resistance was formed in Lebanon on Imam Khomeini’s advice and through the efforts made by valorous Lebanese men, Israel had already occupied Beirut – that is, the capital city of Lebanon – and had control over this country’s political fate. At that time, when Islamic resistance shouted the slogan “march, march towards al-Quds”, some misinformed group of people called them naïve and sarcastically asked, “Is it possible to move towards al-Quds while you [Lebanese people] are unable to go to your own capital city.” It took 18 years for Islamic resistance to gain that historic victory. Eighteen years is not a long time in the history of a nation.


Resistance: A prerequisite for liberation

The al-Aqsa Intifada was an uprising staged by the people, which showed that Palestinians are disappointed in all solutions that involve compromise. The al-Aqsa Intifada showed that Palestinians have realized that victory can only be gained through resistance. As a successful paradigm for the Islamic Ummah, resistance could for the first time liberate the occupied lands without making any concessions to Israel and prevented the realization of the Zionist regime's wishes of raising its flag in the capital city of Lebanon. According to the Camp David Accords, Israel agreed to retreat on condition that Egypt did not send its army to the Sinai Peninsula in the north. But in the south, it is Israel that is begging Lebanon to send its army to the borders of Palestine and Lebanon due to its fear of the power of Islamic resistance. That is to say, Islamic resistance could fully restore Lebanon's national authority over the southern parts of Lebanon as well as other parts of the Lebanese occupied lands.


Part seven: The fate of Palestine

Survival of Palestine and annihilation of Israel

Today the leaders of the usurping Zionist regime and their American supporters – who are foolishly giving them unconditional support – are trying to erase the name of Palestine from history and from the minds of the world's people. Since the year 1947 and 1948, when Palestine was fully occupied and the Zionist regime came to power, they have not managed to achieve this goal and they will not be able to do so for decades. They will not be able to annihilate the name of Palestine. It is the Zionists who will disappear from the face of the earth and from history. But Palestine and the Palestinian nation will stay. They mistakenly think that Palestine and the Palestinian nation will be annihilated. The Palestinian nation will survive. Palestine will survive as well. By Allah's favor, Palestine's flag will be raised by the faithful Palestinian and Lebanese youth.

Zionism and the fake usurping Zionist regime in Palestine are doomed to annihilation. The people of Palestine must ask Allah the Exalted for assistance and rely on Him. Palestinian and Lebanese youth as well as all youth of the world of Islam and all intellectuals must pursue this path.

The oppressive and usurping Zionists must know that the faithful young generation of Palestine and Lebanon are invincible. The faithful and determined resistance of the Palestinian nation cannot be stopped through political negotiations, security and military pressure, or propaganda mercenaries. Similarly, the honorable Iranian nation cannot be defeated through the old, unsuccessful methods that the Zionists have frequently used in the past two decades.


The definite future

The present conditions in Palestine are indicative of the definite future that Allah the Exalted has promised for sincere and determined mujahids. And this divine promise is inviolable. The oppressive and brutal Zionist regime as well as American politicians and global Zionism wrongly think that they will manage to defeat the Palestinian nation through their brutal actions. They think they will manage to force the Palestinian nation to surrender. This is a fatal mistake. And those who make this mistake will be severely punished in the future.

Palestine belongs to the Palestinian nation. Sooner or later, the usurpers will inevitably surrender to this reality. Today the faithful and resisting Palestinian youth are entrusted with a great historic responsibility, and they should rely on divine assistance and God's inviolable promises. Through their hope, faith, and selfless efforts, they should ensure a bight future for their nation. Through the continuation of resistance by the faithful Palestinian people and the support of the world of Islam, Palestine will, by Allah's favor, be liberated. And al-Quds and Masjid al-Aqsa and the other parts of the occupied Islamic lands will be restored to the world of Islam.


The victory of blood over the sword

The people of the world of Islam should also know that America and the arrogant powers cannot get engaged in the issues of Muslim countries as a benevolent and sympathetic mediator. Their role is that of an enemy, a supporter of oppressors and aggressors. The duty of Muslims does not end here. This duty will remain on the shoulders of all Muslims. The faithful people of Palestine must be armed. They should be assisted and emotionally supported so that they can pursue their courageous jihad. Today the Palestinian nation has proven through its resistance, valor, and tireless efforts that blood can stand up to the sword. And by Allah's favor, the Palestinian nation will prove that blood can defeat the sword.
